Big Ideas Series
The Action Plan for a Healthy Virginia is intended to improve the quality of life for youth, adults, and families by expanding obesity prevention efforts in every community across the Commonwealth. At the 2019 Weight of the State Conference, physicians, educators, students, and local elected officials shared their “big ideas” for creating a healthier Virginia. Here are some of their ideas to accelerate progress across the State.
Big Idea Series: Welcome and Overview
In this video, Alyia Gaskins, Founder and CEO of Cities RX LLC, welcomes the audience and challenges participants to join in creating a movement for a healthier Virginia.

Alyia Gaskins
Founder and CEO, Cites RX, LLC
Big Idea #1: Nothing About Us Without Us
Duron Chavis, Manager of Community Engagement, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, reminds us that “food access is not food justice.” In order to create a healthier and more equitable Virginia, we need to expand opportunities for Virginia residents, especially communities of color, to own and influence the local food system.

Duron Chavis
Manager of Community Engagement, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Big Idea #2: Shape the City for People
The Honorable Kathy Galvin, City Councilor, Charlottesville, exclaims that creating a healthier Virginia requires a mindset shift from shaping the city for cars to shaping the city for people.

Hon. Kathy Galvin
City Councilor, Charlottesville
Big Idea #3: Let Patients Be Their Own Change Agents
When physicians label patients who have obesity as obese patients, they put the label of the disease as the patient, which can exacerbate stigma and poor health outcomes. In this video, Dr. Kofi Essel, challenges his peers to move beyond label and walk alongside their patients providing the compassion they need to reach their health goals.

Dr. Kofi Essel
Attending Physician, Director, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Big Idea #4: It’s Not Enough To Change Behaviors and Environments…We Heave To Create Meeting
Jeff Jordan, President and Executive Creative Director of Rescue Agency, explains that to increase physical activity, we have to find new and innovative ways to bring meaning to activity.

Jeff Jordan
President and Executive Creative Director, Rescue Agency
Big Idea # 5: Create Safe Opportunities and Environments for Students to Learn and Fail At New Forms of Exercise and Sport
In this video, Laurie Fritsch of Hokie Wellness, shares how her decision to join the crew team in college put her on a trajectory towards a healthier lifestyle. As she reflects on her health journey, Laurie highlights several actions that Virginia universities can take to promote physical activity on campus.

Laurie Fritsch
Hokie Wellness
Big Idea #6: Give Students A Say
In this video, Ruthie Brown, Y Street Leadership Member and sophomore in high school, explains why giving students a say in what they eat is critical to creating healthier students and healthier schools.

Ruthie Brown
Leadership Team Member, Y Street
Big Idea #7: Move Beyond Traditional Community Engagement
Richmond and Henrico County Health Director, Dr. Danny Avuala, says that meaningful and effective community engagement is the key to addressing obesity and improving health outcomes in the Commonwealth.

Dr. Danny Avula
Director, Richmond City and Henrico Health Departments